
Senior Class Sunday Learn-a-thon SIYUM on MASECHES SUKKAH

Mazel tov!
This past Sunday, the seniors came together as a class and spent their time accomplishing something monumental. In just three and a half hours, they finished all of Maseches Sukkah (55 blatt) in one sitting, as part of a fundraiser for their trip to Israel, for the zechus of all those in Klal Yisrael facing tremendous hardships and pain. They capped off the afternoon with a siyum and a pizza seudas mitzvah. It was an afternoon of tremendous learning, growth, and class unity. 

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Girls Campus  |  Administrative Division
2010 Linden Lane
Silver Spring, MD, 20910
Phone: (301) 962-5111

Boys Campus | Yeshiva Gedolah/Kollel
1216 Arcola Avenue
Silver Spring, MD, 20902
Phone: (301) 649-7077


The Yeshiva of Greater Washington-Tiferes Gedaliah (YGW) is a community-based school on two campuses in Silver Spring, Maryland. We have separate Boys and Girls Middle and High School Programs; a Yeshivah Gedolah/College Program; a Kollel; and community-wide programming. YGW emphasizes the primacy of Torah while providing exceptional general studies instruction. Our students graduate with the passion, preparation, and priorities necessary for life, as well as a healthy sense of self and community.
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