Our Programs


About the Program

List of 1 items.

  • Kollel Zichron Amram of the Yeshiva of Greater Washington-Tiferes Gedaliah

    Kollel Zichron Amram was founded in 1999 to perpetuate the memory of Amram Hillel Feldman, a beloved community member who tragically passed away. The Kollel enables YGW talmidim to continue their studies after marriage and achieve higher levels of personal growth. These formative years in Kollel allow talmidim of the Yeshiva to blossom into true talmidei chachamim, and take their rightful place amongst the ranks of bnei Torah in Klal Yisroel.
    The general  level of Torah learning in YGW is enhanced by the presence of the Kollel members -- known as avreichim or avreichei hakollel -- who contribute by sharing their Torah knowledge. Avreichim are encouraged to connect personally with both YGW students and community members, and actively provide one-on-one learning sessions, deliver inspirational shiurim, and host online Torah classes. The avreichim realize the Kollel, as the crown of YGW, represents Torah in our community, and they bear that responsibility with distinction and honor. 
    Dozens of Kollel alumni have continued on to positions of leadership in their respective communities as rabbonim and rebbeim. Spanning the country -- from New York, to Oregon, to Minnesota, to Ohio, to Maryland -- the distinguished alumni of Kollel Zichron Amram are proud to uphold the mantle of true Torah leadership in Jewish communities across the United States.

List of 4 items.

  • Kollel Leadership

    Rabbi Eliyahu Reingold, Rosh Kollel
    Rabbi Moshe Chaim Blate, Rosh Chabura
  • Kollel Members

    Davy Adise
    Yehoshua Baldinger
    Yudi Benamou
    Rabbi Meir Bulman
    Adam Brasch
    Jorden Brinn
    Josh Chiel
    Zelig Davidson
    Ezra Epstein 
    Rabbi Michoel Frank
    Yonah Gimbel
    Menachem Goldfarb
    Rabbi Moshe Holzer
    Yonah Katz
    Avi Koslovsky
    Hillel Kraines
    Sholom Ezra Levenson
    Binyamin Ostroff 
    Shimon Pincus
    Yosef Chaim Pinkus
    Rabbi Yosef Postelnek
    Rabbi Yoav Roth
    Rabbi Moshe Walter
    Elchonon Yakobzon
    Yehuda Yedidya
  • Kollel Night Seder

    Yehoshua Baldinger
    Rabbi Moshe Chaim Blate
    Rabbi Eli Gayer
    Yonah Gimbel
    Jacob Goodman 
    Sholom Ezra Levenson
    Rabbi Moshe Mittelman 
    Rabbi Pinchas Roth 
    Nochum Schwartz
    Rabbi Moshe Shields
  • Chaburas Chachmei Lev

    Rabbi Daniel Kramer
    Rabbi Elyakim Milikowsky
    Rabbi Moshe Mittelman
    Rabbi Binyamin Turoff

Find Us

Girls Campus  |  Administrative Division
2010 Linden Lane
Silver Spring, MD, 20910
Phone: (301) 962-5111

Boys Campus | Yeshiva Gedolah/Kollel
1216 Arcola Avenue
Silver Spring, MD, 20902
Phone: (301) 649-7077


The Yeshiva of Greater Washington-Tiferes Gedaliah (YGW) is a community-based school on two campuses in Silver Spring, Maryland. We have separate Boys and Girls Middle and High School Programs; a Yeshivah Gedolah/College Program; a Kollel; and community-wide programming. YGW emphasizes the primacy of Torah while providing exceptional general studies instruction. Our students graduate with the passion, preparation, and priorities necessary for life, as well as a healthy sense of self and community.
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